Editorial Guidelines

Before You Start:

Please make sure that your profile is updated with the following.

  1. Professional headshot photo (.jpg or .png) and make sure it is a picture of your face. Logos and other photos will not be accepted.
  2. Professional byline that complies with FAMEPedia’s formatting and
  3. Best email address to associate with FAMEPedia’s back-end content management system.
  4. Links to at least 2 personal social media accounts including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and/or LinkedIn. This helps us ensure you are a real person and maintain the quality of the website.

Example Byline:

Sunil Butolia is a Columnist at FAMEPedia. Based in New Delhi, he specializes in creative design and social media content creation. He has been featured in Forbes and BuzzFeed.

Include a list of your accomplishments and some information about yourself.

If you have any questions please send an email to [email protected]

When Writing:

1. Original Content Only. 

Your content must be original and previously unpublished. An article is considered published even if it only appeared on your blog, LinkedIn, etc. You can only republish your article 30 days after it has been posted to FAMEPedia and you must link to the original article in the repost.

2. Word Count

Please make sure your piece has a minimum of 600 words.

3.  Trendy News Titles

Please refer to www.famepedia.org for good title ideas.

4.   Subject Matter

FAMEPublish is a news outlet, therefore every story should surround some form of trending news (max seven (7) days). Thus, full-on investigative reporting is welcome.

5. Expert Opinions

If you are a subject-matter expert, you are more than welcome to analyze a particular news story, providing your own opinion and take-away from the piece. If you’re an expert you can “analyze it.”

6. Grammar Usage
  • Avoid exclamation points (!),  ellipses (…), slashes (/) and ampersands (&)
  • Common nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs should be lower case.
  • Remember we are a news outlet.
7. Linking Out 

Each news story requires at least one (1) link to another reputable news source with respect to any research.

No affiliate or promotional links, as they are not reliable and only hurt the outlet’s ranking, indexing, and of course, credibility (including yours). For affiliate links, please see FAMEPedia’s Advertising Page.

8. Internal Links

Ever notice when you read Bloomberg, Forbes, ABC, CNN, TechCrunch, Mashable, USA Today, etc. why they are always linking to internal stories that other writers from their outlet have done?

Always use internal links. An internal link is one that points to another page on the same news site– in this case, that “same news site” is FAMEPedia. Usually the best route is to link back to your own latest article on FAMEPedia.

9. Conflicts of Interest

If you run a company and want to market it, be sure to mention that in your biography only. People respect your willingness to “give” by covering and analyzing news, first.

Please do not mention your own company in your articles.

10. Using WordPress to Publish Your Article

Please email your editor for the WordPress Instructions and our associated guidelines with publishing to the platform.

Associated Press Editorial Guidelines

For all other editorial guidelines, we follow Associated Press — or AP — style.

For more assistance, please visit the “AP-style cheat sheet” here.

Thank you for being a part of the FAMEPedia!